Sunday, 2 June 2019

Major Reasons Why Karkidaka Chikitsa is Required in Monsoon

What is Karkidaka Chikitsa?

Kerala receives two monsoons; the south-west monsoon, which arrives in June and lasts until August and the north-east monsoon, which brings rains in October which continue until November. The term Karkidaka Chikitsa is derived from the Malayalam word Karkidakam, which in the Malayalam calendar refers to the period between July & August, which is also the monsoon season. The term chikitsa translates to treatment.
Karkidaka Chikitsa is a healing ritual, practiced primarily during the monsoon season. It is known to have a positive impact on the physical, mental and emotional health. The practice is based on the doshas, namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha that are influenced by the rhythm of nature, seasonal change and the time of the year.

Why Monsoon is the best season for Karkidaka Chikitsa?

Monsoon can have an adverse effect on the body, and Karkidaka Chikitsa practiced during this season provides relief and heals the body, in a holistic way. Summer months create a build-up of toxins in the body and the arrival of the monsoons worsens the condition, which leads to an increase in Vata dosha, which causes ailments.
According to Ayurveda, rain at the end of a hot summer increases the acidity levels in the crops and their consumption increases Pitta dosha, which causes digestive problems, acidity, inflammation and fever. The chances of food and water becoming contaminated are higher, in this season, and their consumption aggravates Kapha dosha, which causes cough and cold, allergies and skin infections.
Practicing Karkidaka Chikitsa in the monsoon seasons keeps a check on the doshas and ensures that the body remains disease free. The main purpose of Karkidaka Chikitsa is to stabilize the doshas – it is a preventive step against common diseases related to the season. Karkidaka Chikitsa strengthens the immune system, boosts energy levels, reinvigorates the body, improves sluggish metabolism and enhances the quality of life.
Karkidaka Chikitsa is also used to cure certain chronic medical conditions that become aggravated during the monsoon season. Patients suffering from spondylitis, backache, arthritis, muscular pain, stress, insomnia and depression can find relief from their health issues if they practice Karkidaka Chikitsa. Treatments for chronic conditions are prescribed based on the severity of the problem.
Karkidaka Chikitsa encompasses different treatments such as –

  • Abhyangam
  • Dhara
  • Karnapooranam
  • Medicated steam bath
  • Nasyam
  • Njavarakizhi
  • Pizhichil
  • Snehapana
  • Tharpanam
  • Vasthi
  • Virechanam

  • These Ayurveda treatments focus on eliminating toxins from the body. Different techniques are applied, which include but not restricted to massage, intake of medicated oils and ghee, fomentation, scented Agaru paste application and steam baths, decoction and oil enemas, etc and purgation and induced vomiting. There is excessive use of herbs in all the treatments – they are natures doctors. Once the toxins are eliminated the doshas become realigned and the healing process begins.

    Karkidaka Special Diet – Karkidaka Kanji

    A special diet is recommended in Karkidaka Chikitsa and it is important that the same is followed strictly for the treatment to be effective.

  • Intake of water that has been boiled and cooled
  • Goat meat soup
  • No cold foods and drinks
  • Increase fluid intake and decrease food intake
  • Include vegetable soup
  • Foods must be prepared from old grains
  • Wine consumption in moderation
  • Sour, salty and ghee rich items to be included in the diet on very cloudy days
  • Do not include potatoes, pulses, especially gram, curd and garlic in your diet
  • Add ginger to your diet
  • Abstain from spicy, oily and excessively salty foods
  • Stay away from junk food and foods that have been deep fried
  • Include easy to digest vegetables in limited quantities
  • Avoid eating fish
  • Go in for regular herbal oil massages to enhance the effect of the treatment

  • The above diet plan helps with the detoxification of the system. Toxins get released from the body, allowing it to strengthen from within. The process sets the foundation for the healing to begin.
    In addition to the above, Karkidaka kanji needs to be incorporated into the diet. Karkidaka kanji is a rice porridge made using red rice, coconut, jaggery, oushadha churna, and ghee. It is a nutritious meal supplement meal with remarkable healing properties. Karkidaka kanji is known to buffer the immune system, improve metabolism and boost energy levels and stamina.

    What are the Goals of Karkidaka Chikitsa?

    The wet weather and high levels of humidity during the monsoon create an imbalance in doshas and deplete the ojas, causing weakness and breathlessness. However, the good thing about this season is that the body’s seven dhatus or tissues – bone, blood, fat, muscle, nerve and marrow, plasma and reproductive tissues are more receptive to the treatment.
    Karkidaka Chikitsa balances the doshas and fights common diseases, in a natural and holistic way, to heal the body. The cleansing routines makes the body healthier. To be effective the treatment must be followed diligently. The Vaidya (doctor) recommends the duration of the treatment, after an analysis of the individual. Treatments can be short, lasting just 7 days, or can take up to 41 days.

    Why Hindusthan Ayurvedic Trivandrum for Karkidaka Chikitsa?

    Hindusthan Ayurvedic is a leading Ayurveda Hospital in Trivandrum that offers traditional Ayurveda treatments that have been practiced since ancient times. Karkidaka Chikitsa is one such treatment that Hindusthan Ayurvedic specializes in. The Ayurveda center’s trained team of doctors follow a holistic approach in healing and revitalizing the body. They prescribe special Ayurveda therapies along with a therapeutic diet plan.
    The therapies include –

  • Abhyanga– a traditional Ayurveda therapy that involves a body massage, using rhythmic steps. The treatment invigorates and revitalizes the body, and is extremely relaxing. Hindusthan Ayurveda suggests this treatment for painful joints and body aches.
  • Swedana– is a steam therapy in which herbal steam is used to bring out toxins from the body, through perspiration. It is a common Ayurveda therapy practiced as part of Panchakarma.
  • Basti– is one of the most important therapies in Ayurveda. It eliminates toxins from all doshas and helps cure various ailments ranging from nervous disorders to chronic arthritis and constipation etc.
  • Panchakarma– Panch means five, and the treatment involves five procedures, namely oil massage and sweating, purgation, induced vomiting, medicated therapy through the nostrils and decoction enema. Panchakarma purifies the body, in a natural way and leaves it refreshed and energized.

  • Schedule a Karkidaka Chikitsa session at Hindusthan Ayurveda Hospital, and reap the benefits of the ancient healing therapy. It is a well-equipped and highly recommended Ayurveda Hospital, in Trivandrum. The staff is trained, dedicated and professional. You will definitely enjoy the experience and benefit from it.